24 Apr 2017

Open Badges presented at the European Youth Forum

Categories: Badge promotion |

Open Badges have been presented at the Council of Members of the European Youth Forum on Friday 21 April in Brussels, during the session ‘Made in MOs’.

Panagiotis from YEU and Elisa from EFIL presented how Open Badge frameworks have been applied to learning mobility projects of their organisations. The approach has been very practical: they showed to an audience of 10 youth workers how to use the Badgecraft platform, import existing Badge Libraries, or come up with their own.

Using Badges for recognition becomes easier and easier.

Participants asked: but who are Badges for? For the learner or the employer? The answer is both, but first of all they are for the learners to become aware of their competences which can then be showcased to employers. Badges will be recognised by employers when everyone will start using them…so just start and join the European Badge Alliance!

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