18 Jul 2017

Quality Charter for Learning Mobility in the youth field: Open badges can help!

Categories: Policy recommendations |


The European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM), coordinated by the partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the youth field has drafted the Charter on Quality in Learning Mobility.

Digital Open Badges contribute to the quality of learning mobility experiences, especially in the areas of documentation of experiences and recognition of outcomes.

Here are relevant excerpts of the Charter:

“17. Organisers provide space and support for structured reflection on the experience.
This reflection is structured both individually and collectively, and takes place before, during and after the activity. Recognition tools and processes can be used to support the reflection. Organisers help participants put experiences and interpretations into perspective. This enables participants to form and challenge their own views in order to develop critical thinking.” (page 7)

“20. Organisers support participants to document their achievements and help those to be recognised.
Participants receive proof of participation. The organisers assist participants to document the learning outcomes and achievements from the project. In the early stages of the project, the organisers together with the participants decide how they want
to do this. Organisers help participants to gain recognition of their achievements. ” (page 8)

The EPLM will organise a conference on Quality of Learning mobility in the youth field on 22-24 January 2018 in France.


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