Earn badges for experiences and competences you develop during your mobility time abroad. Every learning counts. Badges can help to capture your learning experiences and visualise your progress. They can lead you toward new education, career and lifelong learning opportunities.
You can organise your badges into collections and share them where matters: on your social and professional networks, on-line portfolio and resume (e.g. Europass CV). For employers, organisations and education institutions badges can provide more detailed and contextual information about your learning and achievements.
Let your mobility sending or hosting organisation know that you care about recognition of your learning and achievements using Open digital badges. Invite them to set up mobility badge system for you.
Set up badge system for your mobility learners. Every learning counts. Badges can help your learners to capture their experiences and visualise their progress. Badges you issue can create new opportunities for learners to advance their education, carreers and lifelong learning possibilities.
For your organisation, badge structure mentoring process. They show what learners can achieve, what they are engaged into, where they needs extra support. All mobility badges systems are linked to specific European instrument to validate and recognise learning (e.g. Youthpass, Europass Mobility Certificate, etc.).
Badges communicate professional attitude and ensure quality of learning and recognition during the learning mobility period abroad. They add extra layer to learning experiences and add up to the professional profile and reputation of your organisation.
Your organisation can choose to endorse any of the badge issuers or badge systems. Endorsement means that trust how badges work to validated and recognise learning in specific type of learning mobility. Your endorsement is valuable credential for learners. This can open them doors for further education, employment or lifelong learning.
In exchange, your organisation get extra visibility and possible attention from learners and community. Badge may include your logo, web-site and other reference information that matter to you, learners, badge issuers and community. Through badge endorsement you may attract skillful people who has practical experience of living, studying and working abroad.
Badges enable to create professional networks and show to community what matters to you and your organisation. Endorsement can become a viable message of your values and culture you want to promote.