Badges for international training activities support participants and recognise the development of their competences and skills during their participation in Mobility Trainings. This Badge framework applies to youth workers and other young people who are taking part in the Educational Trainings.
Follow these guidelines to import and set up Participant of Training badge system on Please take in to consideration that images of badges are not available publicly.
Badges can be used as learning support tool for mentoring and acknowledgment of the learning process which takes place during a Training. Therefore, it assist young people to develop and improve their competences and skills in general, but also in relevance to the topic of the Training Activity. In this case, a Participant can use the system as a supporting tool for preparation and monitoring of the learning process as an individual and as a Youth Worker. Based on that, the person can identify the learning path within an educational activity. This badge system can be presented and implemented upon the selection of the Participant, to assist the person throughout the process.
Download the detailed overview of this badge system with the explanation of each task required to claim badges.
Developed during the project “European Badge Alliance” by the Youth for Exchange and Understanding- YEU. YEU is an International Network of Youth Organizations present in more than 30 Countries from across Europe and Africa, working on the development of NFE methodologies and creation of youth activities to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among the young people of the world.
Co-funded by the European Union’s programme Erasmus+